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groov View one-year maintenance

Production Specification

GROOV-MNT-1YR extends your groov View maintenance for one year from the current expiration date. This product can be applied to any groov Server for Windows or groov Box that you own. Because maintenance renewal is free, we recommend GROOV-MNT-10YR instead of this part number. GROOV-MNT-10Y renews maintenance for 10 years instead of one. 

NOTE: groov EPIC includes unlimited maintenance for groov View. You do not need this part number for EPIC.

When you purchased groov Server for Windows or a groov Box, one year of maintenance was included. For one year following the date you first activate your groov product, you can download and install groov View updates. After that, you need to renew maintenance before you can install updates. groov View updates may include new features, enhancements, and patches as needed.

For more information on maintenance and how to renew, see the groov Maintenance Technical Note
Adds one year of groov View maintenance to either a groov Box or groov Server for Windows. Note that the one year extends from the current expiration date of the groov product you apply it to. 

For example, in the scenario below, a groov owner did not renew on the maintenance expiration date but decided to renew later. The renewal extends from the original expiration date, not from the date the renewal was purchased.
Current groov Box or Server Maintenance Expiration:  October 1, 2018
One-year renewal purchased on: June 30, 2019
New maintenance expiration:  October 1, 2019



groov View Maintenance Technical Note

What is groov View maintenance, what happens when it expires, and how do you renew it? This technical note answers all your questions about groov View maintenance.

This document applies to groov Server for Windows (GROOV-SVR-WIN-BASE) and the groov Box (GROOV-AR1-BASE and older versions). It does not apply to groov EPIC, which includes groov View maintenance.

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