SNAP Power Monitoring Modules Data Sheet

Documents/Data Sheets - 1453
File Size: 3292 KB
Updated: 09/13/2024

"*** NOTE: SNAP-AIPM and SNAP-AIPM-3V are obsolete and no longer available. SNAP-AIPM-3 is obsolete when current stock is depleted.  *** 
Please contact Opto 22 Pre-Sales engineers for more information.

This data sheet describes the SNAP-AIPM, SNAP-AIPM-3, and SNAP-AIPM-3V analog input modules. These modules monitor AC voltage and current through a SNAP PAC rack-mounted controller or SNAP PAC brain.

The SNAP-AIPM monitors single-phase AC. The SNAP-AIPM-3 and SNAP-AIPM-3V monitor three-phase AC.

The SNAP-AIPM not only measures volts and amps simultaneously, but also calculates true power and volt-amps. From these values, you can easily calculate power factor. The SNAP-AIPM-3 and SNAP-AIPM-3V measure volts and amps and calculate true power and volt-amps for each of the three phases, and in addition calculate true power sums for all three.
