If I bought software and a new version is released, can I get the upgrade for free?

Answer: Take a look at the software version number to find out. 

Opto 22 software version numbers are coded in one of these two ways:

  • If the upgrade is within the same Major number, it's free.
  • If the upgrade has a higher Major number, you need to purchase it.
  • R9.1d to R9.2a—Major number is the same, so upgrade is free.
  • R9.1003 to R9.2000—Major number is the same, so upgrade is free.
  • R9.2a to R9.2c—Major number is the same, so upgrade is free.
  • R8.4b to R9.1a—Major number is different, so upgrade must be purchased.
  • R8.4001 to R9.1000—Major number is different, so upgrade must be purchased.

A Note on Passwords

Passwords usually change when Major or Minor numbers change. If you download a new version and don't have the correct password, contact Pre-Sales Engineering or Product Support.

If you have any questions about this Software Upgrade Policy, please contact Pre-Sales Engineering or Product Support.