Firmware for all SNAP PAC products (single download).
See the README document for information on changes and fixes in the current version of this product's firmware.
Selecting the Correct Version of PAC Manager to Install Firmware
To install firmware, use the most recent release of PAC Manager (you can download the latest version from the Opto 22 website). Older versions of PAC Manager cannot install certain levels of firmware on controllers and brains shipped after certain dates or with certain versions of firmware currently installed on them. The following sections explain which versions of PAC Manager can install which versions of firmware for the indicated hardware.
SNAP PAC R-series Controllers
Some SNAP-PAC-R1 controllers shipped after August 26, 2024 require firmware R10.5g (or higher) and new bootloader firmware. For instructions on identifying these controllers, review the README document.
SNAP R-series controllers shipped after February 22, 2022 shipped with new Ethernet components, PAC firmware R10.4d (or higher), and new bootloader firmware. For more information about minimum firmware requirements and installation requirements, review the README document.
SNAP R-series controllers shipped after April 2, 2018 shipped with new flash components, PAC firmware R9.5g (or higher), and new bootloader firmware. Lower versions of firmware are not compatible with these controllers. For instructions on recovering controllers that are accidentally installed with lower versions of firmware, review the README document.
SNAP PAC S-series Controllers
SNAP S-series controllers shipped after February 22, 2022 shipped with new Ethernet components, PAC firmware R10.4d (or higher), and new bootloader firmware. For more information about minimum firmware requirements and installation requirements, review the README document.
SNAP S-series controllers shipped after April 2, 2018 shipped with new flash components, PAC firmware R9.5g (or higher), and new bootloader firmware. Lower versions of firmware are not compatible with these controllers. For instructions on recovering controllers that are accidentally installed with lower versions of firmware, review the README document.
SNAP PAC Ethernet and Serial Brains
Some EB and SB brains shipped after April 2, 2018 shipped with new flash components, PAC firmware R9.5g (or higher), and new bootloader firmware. Lower versions of firmware are not compatible with these controllers. For instructions on recovering controllers that are accidentally installed with lower versions of firmware, review the README document.
For SoftPAC firmware version R9.4c (or lower): To upgrade to firmware version R9.5a (or higher), you must install SoftPAC from the PAC Project installation file to update SoftPAC Monitor, then you can update the firmware. For instructions, see